Light Schooner Construction : Birdsmouth Masts : Boom Jaws


Splicing rigging

Birdsmouth test

The plans show half-scale gaff jaws, and say "Boom Jaws similar". Well, similar is NOT identical, as I learned when my first attempt failed. The problem is that the gaff is 1.5" wide, while the boom is only 3/4". So, by making the jaws identical, I ended up with jaws that wer 3/4" undersized. This left too little material, and I had to start over. This is my second attempt, using 8/4 mahogany -- double the thickness specified in the plans. These are MUCH sturdier than the 3/4" doug fir from my first attempt.

Splicing rigging

Birdsmouth test

Photo album generated by album from Dave's MarginalHacks on Fri Jun 10 09:24:55 2005